ML Orthospine

ACDF in Jaipur – Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion

ACDF is a form of neck surgery that entails replacing a weakened disc to relieve pressure on the spinal cord or nerve root. It relieves the resulting discomfort, weaknesses, numbness, and tingling. Discectomy is a type of operative decompression.

  • ⦿ The surgeon works on the cervical spinal column during the surgery.
  • ⦿ Pressure, stiffness, and trouble moving are all symptoms of damaged discs.
  • ⦿ A surgeon makes a small incision in the front of the neck, near the throat, to gain access to the spine.
  • ⦿ People who suffer from chronic pain, numbness, or limited mobility will find hope at ACDF.

The surgery consists of two parts:

Anterior discectomy of the cervix: The surgery is approached from the cervical spin’s anterior or front (neck). The disc is then removed from two spinal cords.

Fusion: The cervical section is also stabilized by a fusion surgery at the same time as the discectomy process. A fusion requires inserting the bone graft and/or implants on the disc to ensure stabilization and strength.

What is the approach behind the surgery?

An ACDF in Jaipur is performed using an anterior technique, which means the surgery is performed from the front of the neck rather than the back. This method has a number of advantages:

  • ⦿ Direct access to the disc is available
  • The anterior method allows for direct visualization of the cervical discs, which are normally responsible for stenosis, spinal cord or nerve compression, and symptoms. Direct nerve and spinal cord decompression occur when the discs are removed.

  • ⦿ Less postoperative pain
  • Spine surgeons often prefer this method because it allows access to the spine via a relatively simple route. This technique results in less incisional discomfort for the patient than a posterior procedure.

What is the procedure for an ACDF in Jaipur?

The skin incision may be made on either the left or right side of the neck and is one to two inches long. In most cases, the incision is made horizontally inside a natural skin crease, but in multilevel cases, a more vertical incision can be used.

  • ⦿ The skin incision is then broken in line with the thin muscle under the skin, and the plane between the sternocleidomastoid and strap muscles is entered.
  • ⦿ A plane is then entered between the trachea/Oesophagus and the carotid sheath.
  • ⦿ A thin fascia (flat layers of fibrous tissue) that is then dissected away from the disc space covers the spine.

The removal of the disc – ACDF in Jaipur

During surgery, fluoroscopy produces an x-ray image of the spine, which is used to ensure that the spine surgeon is operating at the right disc level.

  • ⦿ The disc is then removed after the proper disc space has been found by cutting the outer annulus fibrosis (fibrous ring around the disc) and removing the nucleus pulposus (the soft inner core of the disc).
  • ⦿ The whole disc is removed during an anterior cervical discectomy.
  • ⦿ The endplates of the vertebral bones’ cartilage are also removed, exposing the hard cortical bone underneath.

The risks and complications – ACDF in Jaipur

  • ⦿ Inadequate post-surgery symptom relief
  • ⦿ Failure of a bone graft to heal and form a fusion (a non-union or pseudarthrosis)
  • ⦿ Swallowing that is either temporary or permanent (medically known as dysphasia)
  • ⦿ Injury to the recurrent laryngeal nerve, which supplies the vocal cords, could cause speech problems.
  • ⦿ Harm to the nerve roots
  • ⦿ The spinal cord is damaged (about 1 in 10,000)
  • ⦿ Bleeding and damage to a large blood vessel

Difficulty in swallowing, medically known as dysphagia, is by far the most common complication following surgery. The esophagus, which is located immediately in front of the spine, must be mobilized and retracted during surgery, which may make swallowing difficult. The dysphagia typically goes away within a few days, but it can last for weeks or months. Dysphagia has a small chance of being permanent.

Recovery – ACDF in Jaipur

ACDF is normally performed as an outpatient treatment, meaning the patient goes home the same day. The person will be unconscious during the procedure since it is performed under general anesthesia.

Many people will feel some pain after surgery, which they will likely handle with pain medicine. It takes several weeks for the neck to heal, and some people will need to wear a brace to keep it stable.

Most people can meet with a surgeon for an examination 4 to 6 weeks after surgery and should refrain from strenuous exercise until cleared by the surgeon.

Why choose ML spine and orthopedic center for ACDF in Jaipur?

The doctors at ML spine and orthopaedic center are experienced and professionally dedicated to improving the patient’s spinal problems. The doctors there are some of the most prominent surgeons that specialize in the field of spinal surgery and orthopedics, providing a comprehensive treatment option.

ML Spine and Orthopaedic Hospital is well-known for its high-quality treatment and attention to patients. It is the best spine hospital in Jaipur, with world-class facilities. ML Spine and Orthopaedic Hospital provides comprehensive Preventive and Curative care. ML Spine and Orthopaedic Hospital Jaipur is fitted with all tertiary consideration subject matter experts or surgeons, cutting-edge medical care advancement (cutting-edge technology, and a-list base to provide first-class emergency, rehabilitation (recovery), and rehabilitative consideration, in addition to diagnosis and consultation.

ACDF in Jaipur, like all surgeries, has certain risks. However, for the majority of people, the procedure is relatively simple and allows them to resume their normal lives. People should carefully consider the advantages of surgery versus the costs and seek a second opinion before undergoing surgery.


ML Spine and Orthopaedic Centre in Jaipur is the best Orthopaedic hospital in Jaipur, its area of focus is Orthopaedics & Spine surgeries


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