Knock knees, also known as Genu Valgum, is a medical condition where knees are angled inward while ankles stay apart. It is most common among children under the age of seven years, but it usually gets corrected as age increases. However, if it arises in adulthood, it is due to obesity, bone deformity, or trauma. Knock knee cure depends on its cause and severity, which ranges from surgery to physical therapy. Moreover, its early diagnosis helps to avoid certain complications like difficulty in walking, and joint pain, ensuring better posture and mobility. So, consulting a medical professional is of utmost importance.
Knock knees, known as genu valgum in medical terminology, is a condition in which the knees touch one another when the legs get straightened, but the ankles stay apart. This occurs when the thigh bone and shin bone don’t meet appropriately at the knee joints. This results in knee inwardness, which is visible when you stand straight with your legs joined together.
Knock knees, a common problem nowadays is a problem in which knees touch each other when you stand straight. It is a common condition in children that usually resolves after they grow. However, in certain cases, it could continue till adulthood or arise due to some underlying factors. So, to understand its causes is crucial for determining the proper treatment. Here are some common causes of knock knees.
Preventing knock knees includes proper maintenance of posture, along with intake of a nutritious diet and doing knock knees cure exercise that strengthens knees. Here are some preventive measures.
In various cases, knock knees among children resolve themselves as they grow, and at that time treatment is not required. When treatment is required, it depends on the cause, condition, and severity of the problem.
ML Spine provides innovative solutions along with immense care for knock knees treatment, helping you to achieve enhanced mobility, posture, and overall well-being. With a team of skilled professionals, ML Spine offers the best orthopedic hospital in Jaipur. The Treatments include modern techniques for better and more effective results.
It could occur due to various nutritional deficiencies, including vitamin D deficiency, and calcium deficiency. And, addressing all deficiencies is important to avoid the problem with its management.
Yes, knock knees are correctable with exercises, physical therapy, or bracing, especially in children. However, in serious cases, surgery is done.
To treat knock knees in adults, various non-surgical treatments, like exercises and physical therapy help to enhance knee alignment along with muscle strengthening. But, in serious cases, surgical treatment, like osteotomy, is done to do the knee alignment.
Yes, knock knees among children usually vanish as they grow, especially if it is in a mild state of development. In serious cases, medical treatment or physical therapy is required to correct the problem.