Foods after Dental Implants: Dental implants for teeth-related problems, although very effective and a long-term solution to make you eat, speak and smile naturally, there are several restrictions that you need to follow after getting it done.
However, these restrictions are only for the first few months. There are many precautions to be taken after dental implant surgery. As a general rule, always eat liquid, soft foods initially and then go for semi-solid foods. Nutrition is very important for the body, but your mouth needs time to heal and this can happen only if you don’t chew too much.
Your diet plays an important role in keeping the new implant healthy and in its diagnosis. To get maximum nutrition from your daily diet, you need to include nutrient-rich soft foods in your diet.
You are not allowed to eat anything for about 1-2 hours after the surgery. During the next 24-48 hours you can have soft, liquid food that does not require a lot of chewing. Keep consuming liquid foods rich in nutrients that can satisfy your hunger.
Avoid hot foods and hot liquids for several hours or perhaps several days after the surgery. This is essential for your treatment.
Avoid using a straw to drink any liquid. Do not use a water bottle as it requires you to suck water in order to drink water. This can put undue pressure on the gums of your teeth.
Avoid consuming alcohol as it can interfere with your ongoing treatment and may also cause irritation around the implant.
Hard, hard, chewy, sticky foods such as chocolate, candy, smoothies, pizza avoid.
Avoid eating hard nuts like almonds, walnuts, pistachios, and cashews.
Avoid tea or coffee as they stain your natural teeth as well as artificial teeth.
Avoid gas-filled drinks as they damage your teeth.
Avoid starchy foods like corn chips, potato chips, and pretzels; Or generally, avoid anything that can stick to your teeth.
Avoid seeds or foods that break easily and get stuck in the teeth or implant, thus taking longer to heal.
Avoid corn on the cob, granola, crusty bread that requires chewing
Avoid hard candy and gum
Hard Taco Shells, Avoid Carrots
Avoid ice cubes
Avoid smoking
We understand that it is very difficult to give up your favourite food altogether. Don’t worry, we have a solution for you.
Follow these Dental implant surgery tips and tricks while consuming your favourite foods every time without worrying about your dental implant.
Cut the food you want to eat into small pieces, and then chew each piece slowly. For example, break the samosa into small pieces and eat each piece one at a time.
In the case of fruits, grate or mash the fruit or extract its juice. For example, cut an apple into slices or grate it as a topping for your desserts.
Eat hard nuts soaked or boiled. For example, eat soaked almonds and boiled peanuts.
The purpose of the above is to focus on healthy, nutritious, hygienic food along with good oral hygiene. If you follow these instructions carefully and include them in your daily routine then your teeth and dental implant will be healthy for a long time. These will prove to help improve your oral health as well as your general health.
For more healthy tips connect with a dental hospital in Jaipur.
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